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over9k's shared trades

over9k's shared trades:

Filtered (symbol: UBER) [clear filter]

Gravatar UBER
Sep 28, 2020 10:34
19. 10.47.40 UBER L400S + L400S #ADDFULL #EE L9 D1 V4 S5 E6 2X -32 a. Strong to the ES today

UBER price chart
Gravatar UBER
Nov 5, 2019 09:38
15. 9:46:33 UBER S100s Rule break Slippage 6c a. Rule break as the breakdown was still above th

UBER price chart
Gravatar UBER
Aug 9, 2019 09:31
16. 9:36:55 UBER S100s Mistake R 30 was a LOD break, but I forgot that UBER was not to be taken t

UBER price chart
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