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over9k's shared trades

over9k's shared trades:

Filtered (symbol: RCL) [clear filter]

Gravatar RCL
Apr 29, 2020 09:39
17. 9:42:53 RCL L200s L8 D1 Mistake -65 v2 a. Mistake was I was too late into the trade b.

RCL price chart
Gravatar RCL
Apr 15, 2020 09:44
17. 9:49:26 RCL L100S ½ L8 D1 v3 +14 a. Strong W spy all morning b. Nice low V pullback and

RCL price chart
Gravatar RCL
Mar 27, 2020 09:40
17. 9:52:26 RCL L8 D1 ½ V4 a. RCL weakest on my watchslist rel to SPY b. Weak pullback to the

RCL price chart
over9k's top 100 symbols:

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