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over9k's shared trades

over9k's shared trades:

Filtered (symbol: JMIA) [clear filter]

Gravatar JMIA
Feb 2, 2021 09:51
22. 0951 JMIA L146s A3 -108 a. Really bad slippage on this one. It liquidated and stopped me out

JMIA price chart
Gravatar JMIA
Jan 14, 2021 09:41
18. 9.54.37 JMIA L125S S60C A3 +131 a. Okay V pull on this one some whip but still not too bad

JMIA price chart
Gravatar JMIA
Nov 20, 2020 09:33
18. 9.39.47 JMIA L50S L50S B1 -40 a. Conf 1 and 2 b. Strong push up c. We got a hard V int

JMIA price chart
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