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over9k's shared trades

over9k's shared trades:

Filtered (symbol: BIDU) [clear filter]

Gravatar BIDU
Jan 20, 2021 09:44
18. 0949 BIDU L65S S120C -82 a. Bit of whip but looked like it decided to push b. V was a bit

BIDU price chart
Gravatar BIDU
Dec 16, 2020 10:33
20. 10.39.09 BIDU L102S S60C C1 +6 a. V was weak on the sell kept waiting on this one but it was

BIDU price chart
Gravatar BIDU
Apr 8, 2020 10:56
18. 11:23:47 BIDU S 200S L8 D1 FULL V4 +103 a. SPY not really in agreement but BIDU weak on th

BIDU price chart
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